Doggone Feet!Reader Engagement Project:

A Story Hour Kit with Read Aloud Activities for Libraries, Classrooms, and Families
Encouraging Readers to 
Listen, Sing, Search, Create, Pair, and Count

Ever wonder what’s going on in the mind of a dog?

The Book
The picture book Doggone Feet! written & Illustrated by Leslie Helakoski (Boyds Mill Press) is an entertaining look at life from the point of view of a family pooch.  As the dog’s “people family” grows, so does her dismay at having to share her space with so many new and noisy feet. But as she discovers, making room also brings new joy. With a happy surprise ending and charming illustrations full of humor, this is a heartwarming—and doggone funny—rhyming story that kids will ask for again and again.

The Project
Because the picture book is from the family dog’s POV, the reader and dog see only the family’s knees, legs, feet, and toes.  There are six members of this family and twelve feet.  The activities in the Doggone Feet! Story Hour Kit  (created by Curious City) thus play with perspective (looking only below the knees) and with the idea of counting in pairs.

The kit includes:

• A Doggone Feet Story Hour & Search
The main activity asks children to look for six pairs of “doggone feet” in the room. Those twelve feet are marked with paper bands with numbers on them. When children find the marked feet, they receive a small hole-punched card featuring one pair of feet and one pair of numbers from the book. Once they have all six cards, they can string those cards in numerical order to make a counting necklace.

• “Under the Table” Sing-Along
This is an adaptation of the song “Knick-Knack-Paddy-Whack” to match the foot pairings and story of Doggone Feet!

• A Doggone Feet Guessing Activity
This activity places members of your story hour or classroom behind a sheet where only their feet show. Others must guess who is hiding there simply based on observing their feet.

• A Doggone Feet Tracing & Counting Activity
Using a big piece of butcher or other paper with the dog from the book glued in the center, children trace their feet onto the paper around the dog.

After allowing them to decorate their feet, together you count the feet on the paper and count the children, noting that there are twice as many feet as children.

DOGGONE FEET! IllustrationTools for Engagement:

• Download the Doggone Feet! Story Hour Kit with Read Aloud Activities 
for Libraries, Classrooms, and Families (PDF)
• Download the Doggone Feet! created by Educator Debbie Gonzales (PDF)
• Discover Other Tools on Author’s Website

Best Users:

Public Children’s Librarians, Early Childhood Classrooms, Play Groups, School Librarians, Grades Pre-K-3, Bookstores

Best Audience:

Children Grades PreK-3

Based on the Book:

Doggone Feet!
Written & Illustrated by Leslie Helakoski
Published by Boyds Mill Press

Available in Hardcover
Ages 3 and up

Find a copy of the book:
Amazon | B&N | IndieBound | Local Library

Illustration from DOGGONE FEET!