JASMINE TOGUCHI: Chapter Book Series: Classroom & Reader Activities
Best Users: Librarians, Booksellers, Educators, Community Groups, Book Clubs
Best Audience: Children Grades 01-04

Jasmine Toguchi Paper Doll
Jasmine and her best friend get dressed in kimono for the Japanese celebration, Girl’s Day. Your readers can color Jasmine’s kimono and dress the standing Jasmine doll. Have paper handy to make her other clothes!
DOWNLOAD Jasmine Toguchi: Paper Dolls (PDF)
Jasmine Toguchi: Origami
For the Japanese celebration, Girl’s Day, Jasmine and her friend make origami dolls. This step-by-step folding guide walks you through making a folded paper friend.
Jasmine Toguchi: Origami
Jasmine Toguchi: Mochi Recipe
Jasmine’s first book follows the Japanese American tradition of mochi making (and how Jasmine tips the New Year tradition’s gender roles). The author offers a simple microwave recipe for this super delicious treat.
Jasmine Toguchi: Mochi Recipe
Jasmine Toguchi: Cooking & Community
Every family has a food they share on special occasions! This activity invites readers and their families to share favorite recipes. Collect them all for a look at the cultural traditions of your classroom!
Jasmine Toguchi: Cooking & Community
Jasmine Toguchi: Name Tags
If you are holding a Jasmine Toguchi event, this sheet offers “Mochi King” and “Mochi Queen” name tags.
Jasmine Toguchi: Name Tags
Jasmine Toguchi Series
By Debbi Michiko Florence
Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic
Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Hardcover & Paperback
Age Range: 6 – 9 Years
A new chapter book series featuring a spunky Japanese-American heroine!
Jasmine Toguchi, Mochi Queen
Series: Jasmine Toguchi Series , #1
ISBN-13: 9780374304102
Eight-year-old Jasmine Toguchi is a flamingo fan, tree climber, and top-notch mess-maker!
She’s also tired of her big sister, Sophie, always getting to do things first. For once, Jasmine wishes SHE could do something before Sophie—something special, something different. The New Year approaches, and as the Toguchi family gathers in Los Angeles to celebrate, Jasmine is jealous that her sister gets to help roll mochi balls by hand with the women. Her mom says that Jasmine is still too young to join in, so she hatches a plan to help the men pound the mochi rice instead. Surely her sister has never done THAT before.
But pounding mochi is traditionally reserved for boys. And the mochi hammer is heavier than it looks. Can Jasmine build her case and her mochi-making muscles in time for New Year’s Day?
Jasmine Toguchi, Super Sleuth
Series: Jasmine Toguchi Series , #2
ISBN-13: 9780374304133
It’s a big weekend for Jasmine Toguchi! She’s excited to celebrate Girl’s Day—a Japanese holiday honoring women and girls—with her sister, mother, and best friend, Linnie. On Friday after school, Linnie comes over to plan their outfits for the Girl’s Day celebrations. And Jasmine’s neighbor, Mrs. Reese, lets them search through her old clothes for the perfect accessories. But the clothes are in her dark garage, which is kind of scary. And Linnie decides to go home early, which is kind of weird. And Jasmine’s big sister, Sophie, doesn’t seem to want to join in the Girl’s Day fun this year, which is kind of confusing. WHAT is going on?
As her big weekend plans start to unravel, Jasmine must use her sleuthing skills to spot the clues around her—and within herself. Then maybe, just maybe, she can put everything back in order before Girl’s Day is over!
Jasmine Toguchi, Drummer Girl
Series: Jasmine Toguchi Series , #3
ISBN-13: 9780374304164
It’s talent show time at school, and eight-year-old Jasmine Toguchi is excited to show her stuff. But as she thinks about her strengths—tree-climbing, mochi making, collage—none of them feel quite right to perform on-stage. Jasmine’s friends already have a talent: Tommy yo-yo’s, Daisy dances, and Linnie plays piano. Plus, Maggie Milsap (aka Miss Perfect) is saying she’ll have the best talent.
When Jasmine’s mom introduces her to the taiko, a traditional Japanese drum, Jasmine finally finds an activity that feels just right. But will she be good enough at taiko in time to beat Maggie Milsap?
Join Jasmine as she discovers her talent—and the difference between being the best and trying your best.
“Florence paints a lovely picture of a warm, extended family whose members truly care about one another and take each other seriously…New readers thirsty for series fiction will look forward to more stories about Jasmine and her family.” —Kirkus Reviews
“This first entry nicely balances humor with the challenges of growing up; readers will devour it.” —School Library Journal
“…an adorable and heartwarming story about a kid who wants to feel special and do something first for once, along with a nice overview of a Japanese New Year celebration.”—Booklist
“Florence warmly traces Jasmine’s efforts to get strong (and fast), her clashes and tender moments with her family, and the ins and outs of making mochi (a recipe is included). Vukovic’s b&w spot illustrations evoke Japanese Sumi-e painting while playfully capturing Jasmine’s willfulness and her family’s closeness.” —Publishers Weekly
“The Toguchi family’s warmth and affection for one another will leave readers eager to spend more time with them.”—Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
“This first in the series handily introduces a plucky, strong-willed girl whose family traditions may be new to many readers but whose frustrations will be familiar to nearly all. Humorous illustrations help young audiences picture the mochi-making process, which is further explained in an author’s note. Also appended: a recipe for ‘microwave mochi.'” —The Horn Book