Image © Joanne Lew-Vriethoff
BEAUTIFUL Giveaway Winners & Your Definition of Beautiful
20 individual copies were given away to educators, librarians and literacy groups. Thank you Running Press Kids!
By Stacy McAnulty
Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff
Published by Running Press Kids
ISBN-13: 9780762457816
Age Range: 3 – 8 Years
Every girl is unique, talented, and lovable…Every girl is BEAUTIFUL.
Much more than how one looks on the outside, true beauty is found in conquering challenges, showing kindness, and spreading contagious laughter. Beautiful girls are empowered and smart and strong!
BEAUTIFUL breaks barriers by showing girls free to be themselves: splashing in mud, conducting science experiments, and reading books under a flashlight with friends. This book will encourage all girls to embrace who they are and realize their endless potential.
“McAnulty and Lew-Vriethoff shatter the cultural definition of “beauty” by showing young girls of all races and abilities studying nature, dressing up as pirates, experimenting in chemistry, and more. Many folks are socially conditioned to immediately praise a little girl based on her looks or dress. It can be difficult to not squeal over ruffles or ringlet curls. Coupled with the endless fascination with princesses, sparkles, and jewels of many a young child, the world can distinctly narrow what “beautiful” means. With a text that sounds like it could have been directly lifted from a charm school handbook, McAnulty and Lew-Vriethoff upend the norm. Each phrase is paired with illustrations that show an alternative meaning…Bright, bold illustrations certainly can’t show every single girl, but many will find themselves in these pages. Celebrated here for their particularity and their diversity, girls are given the space to find beauty in all kinds of ways.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“The tone is bold and forthright, as it needs to be to counter the ubiquitous other messages that tell girls how to behave, and the illustrations boast a multiracial cast and even girls playing basketball in wheelchairs. While this will appeal most to girls and their parents, there’s no reason why boys should not enjoy it, too.”
“This picture book is filled with wit and musings on what it means for a young girl to be beautiful. The illustrations evoke a feeling of uniqueness, independence, and strength, defining beauty through diversity, talents, and passions…Simple sentences and phrases stir the imagination. Bold line drawings and rich colors bring a sense of wonder and personality to each girl…This simple yet empowering story, best suited for one-on-one and small group sharing, is infused with examples of how beauty is defined in many ways.”
—School Library Journal
Look for a series of activities for the classroom and events here.
Altamont Free Library | Altamont | NY |
Anaheim Public Library | Anaheim | CA |
Bennetts Valley Elementary School | Weedville | PA |
Bonham Public Library | Bonham | TX |
Butte Public Library | Butte | MT |
Euchee Creek Elementary | Grovetown, | GA |
Grange Elementary | Dundalk | MD |
Hackberry Elementary School | Frisco | TX |
Jefferson Public Library | Jefferson | WI |
Lake Community Branch Library | Uniontown | OH |
Laurens County Public Library | Laurens | SC |
Licking County Library | Newark | OH |
Manistique Area Schools | Manistique | MI |
Martinez Elementary School | Martinez | GA |
Oceanside Public Library | Oceanside | CA |
Park County Library | Cody | WY |
Riverview School Library | East Sandwich | MA |
Southeast Elem School | Lebanon | PA |
Tye River Elementary School | ARRINGTON | VA |
Union Cross Elementary School | Kernersville | NC |
Entrants to the giveaway completed the sentence, “Beautiful girls are…” with:
…confident, kind, empathetic, humble, forgiving, appreciative. In short, beautiful girls nurture the beauty of the character within so that it quietly shines out to others.
…independent , friends, leaders, listeners, writers, creators, inventors and change makers! You go girl!
…growing each day. One day Beautiful girls will look in the mirror and decide “today I will be kind and practice random acts of kindness.” On the second day, Beautiful girls will look into the mirror and decide “today I will practice random acts of kindness and be respectful to all human beings.” On the next day, Beautiful girls will look into the mirror and say, “today I will practice random acts of kindness, respect all human beings and tell a friend I appreciate them!” Beautiful girls are the ones growing each day…
…a force to be reckoned with!
…A gift from God. They are themselves. Unique and one of a kind.
…a gift of love.
…able to accomplish whatever they set their mind to!
…all colors of the rainbow!
…All girls
…All over the world!
…all the girls of the world. They all have so much to offer and only need the opportunity to share their beauty.
…are willing to do things that will make a difference in our world.
…I am starting a summer book club for girls in 2nd and 3rd grade. I’d love this book to kick off our club.
…Beautiful girls are confident in who they are and celebrate the beauty in others too!
…Beautiful girls are strong and independent! Beautiful girls aren’t afraid to try anything!
…Beautiful girls are the ones who hold their head up high even when they feel scared inside.
…beautiful inside and OUT. Anyone can be beautiful on the outside.
…Beautiful inside and out. Have a heart that shares.
…Beautiful is kindness toward others! Beautiful is sharing a smile for no reason at all!
…Beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. They care about others and do not condone or participate in bullying. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
…Brave, strong, fun, funny, loving, smart!
…brazen and exuberant.
…capable of doing anything they set their mind on!
…changing history EVERY DAY.
…Changing the world!
…changing the world.
…come in all sizes and can be thin, plus size, medium and tall!
…confident and brave; comfortable in their own skin.
…confident in who they are
…confident, in love with their own thing, and love to share.
…Creative, helpful, wonderful
…entomologists and stage managers, actors and prop designers, photographers, directors, skaters, writers, librarians, principals, editors, scientists and surgeons. But most of all, beautiful girls are beautiful.
…Every girl is beautiful in her own special and unique way. I share many stories about women every March and throughout the year so that girls know that they can too.
…every girl you see!
…every girl!
…every girl. Every girl is beautiful in her own way. Some shine nature, some need a little push and some need help to look deep inside to discover themselves. Every girl is beautiful.
…every one
…Every one
…everywhere changing the world, come in every shape and size, and should be celebrated for all of their differences.
…Everywhere inside and out. It involves all regardless of color, religious beliefs and choices.
…everywhere! They fill the hallways at our elementary school. They are kind, thoughtful, inclusive.
…everywhere. This book will help our students–girls and boys–realize that beauty is in all of us!
…Fantastic option for women’s history month!
…Free to be themselves and open and accepting of other people being themselves.
…Full of curiosity, joy, and kindness.
…Funny, smart, adventurous, brave, and great friends!
…girls that have courage, persistence, drive, spunk, grace and compassion.
…girls who love what they look like because of the amazing things they do, not because of what they look like.
…great at everything!
…Gritty, goal-driven, beautiful, resilient, survivors, stars, strong, boundary-breakers and MORE!
…Have self confidence, have inner beauty, are kind, concerned about the people around them.
…In every community, school, and classroom!
…independent, creative, innovative, hard-working, dedicated, inspiring, innovative, one-of-a-kind
…inside every girl.
…intelligent, kind, thoughtful, friendly, sharing
…kind and accepting.
…KInd and generous! A big heart is the most beautiful aspect of a human being!
…Kind and thoughtful!
…kind to animals
…kind to everyone!
…Kind to others.
…kind to others
…kind, confident, and comfortable with themselves.
…Kind, Generous, Leaders…
…life-long learners.
…meant to be exactly who they are. Perfect they way they were created.
…Musicians. With a love of music whether it is singing, playing an instrument, or writing your own music.
…not defined by their genitalia.
…ones whose beauty comes from the heart.
…reflecting inner strength
…Scientists, Agents of change, Polo players, Movie directors, Poets, Management consultants, Architects, Composers, Artists, BRILLIANT
…Smart artist/Veterinarians
…Smart, Confident, powerful!
…smart, strong, creative, and confident! They pursue their interests with passion, whatever those interests may be. Beautiful girls don’t judge other girls or try to cut them down, they support them. Beautiful girls know their worth and don’t let anyone tell them they are less than they are. Beautiful girls know that boys and girls are equally capable, intelligent, creative, and valuable.
…smart, strong, happy, independent, caring, loving, and kind.
…Smiling with their eyes and hearts!
…so many different things in one day!
…strong and opinionated. They find ways for their voices to be heard.
…strong and smart!
…Strong confident. We are all beautiful!
…strong, bold, courageous, brave, awesome, and sees the greatness in everyone.
…strong, committed, brave and encouraging to other girls not quite so brave
…strong, persevere and demand respect from males and females alike. Beautiful girls have inner beauty that surpasses outer beauty. Beautiful girls find their gifts and talents and share them with humanity for the betterment of all.
…Strong, talented and sure of themselves. Comfortable in their own skin and willing to try things. Kind, good friends and there for those in need.
…Strong. Courageous. Resourceful. Persistent. Caring. Truthful. Friendly. Accepting. Smart. Funny. Proud. Amazing!
…Talented, smart, amazing, and kind.
…That moment when your spirit is lifted, be it visual, or auditory, or emotional – that is beautiful. And yes, the same applies to beautiful girls,
…the ‘cream of society’.
…the girls who bring a smile to your face when you think of them. They are sometimes not even pretty, but the love, kindness, & compassion that exudes from their very marrow makes their inner beauty SPARKLE. Beautiful girls spread joy, hope, and love everywhere they go. Beautiful girls are the ones who usually don’t even realize how absolutely beautiful they are, because they can’t see themselves like others see them. My late husband said it to me best, once, I think… “Wife, you may not be the prettiest girl at the fair, but you are the most beautiful human I’ve ever known and loved.”
…This would be a wonderful book to share one on one during our Reading Dog visits. Thank you for considering McKinley Elementary. Donna Bishop
…those that are friendly and respectful to everyone. They wouldn’t say mean or hurtful things to get what they want.
…those that love to learn and share their knowledge.
…those who do for others, having a beautiful heart!
…those who have a pure heart and good soul. Beauty really is on the inside.
…those who stand up for others when no one else will. My 7 yr old daughter is beautiful inside and outside for telling the truth and standin g up for what is right when everyone else lied. There were girls making fun of the bus driver who has one arm, she told them to shut up and quit making fun of him.She told the principal he side of the story and stood alone.That is a beautiful girl. Doing the right thing when your friends do the opposite.
…True to themselves and courageous! Beautiful girls are not afraid to speak their minds and let the world see what they have to offer.
…True to themselves and others
…true to themselves.
…True to Themselves
…willing to take risks and try something new!
…wonderful, kind and caring human beings.
Our community is a small, rural community, and I would love to see our Story Time group and our After School group hear this story and be able to share it with others!
It is a GAME CHANGER in how we raise our girls. I am VERY MUCH in love…
We have 15 different languages spoken in the homes of our students. Your story will cross the cultural barriers and inspire our young girls to take pride in who they are and in what they can do.
I will share your comment with the creators. That, for them, is a dream come true.
If I am blessed to receive one of these books, I was wondering if you might have it in a bilingual form for our patrons. Thank you!
Marianne, there is a Spanish edition produced in Spain. Does not look like it is distributed here. It is available through Spain’s Amazon: https://www.amazon.es/Bonitas-Stacy-McAnulty/dp/8467928867
Thank you very much. Sounds interesting!
I LOVE the graphics you shared. I will see if we can print and laminate them to place in our girls’ restrooms.
Sherri, that is the most AMAZING idea. Stand by, I’ll make your a PDF set that should print good crisp images. I will try and make them 7″ x 7″. Sound good?
Thank you for the opportunity! Working on adding books to our school
library that are both mirrors and windows for students.
No better mission!
Fortunate enough to SKYPE yesterday w/ woman science author w/my 7th graders to demonstrate ALL girls are BRILLIANT
I could not love this more! Go STEM women!
I have a 4 year old African-American little girl and these are the type of books I want my daughter to be exposed too, thank you so much for your work of inclusion and adding more diversity to the childrens book market.
Raheem Clark
Raheem, your message just made my day (perhaps month). Enjoy that amazing 4-year-old!
Thank you from Park County Library in Cody, Wyoming!!
SO pleased you won!