Best Users: Librarians, Booksellers, Pet Rescue Groups
Best Audience: Children Grades 00-04


In the picture book Operation Rescue Dog, Alma and her Abuela set off on a journey to meet Lulu, the dog they plan to adopt. Lulu is being driven toward Alma and Abuela in an Operation Rescue Dog truck.

The book offers a perfect opportunity to hold a pet adoption event, and the kit offers tips from librarians who are veterans at holding these events. Your readers, customers, and patrons can be welcomed to the event with flags and temporary tattoos and take home a model of the truck and their own invisible pet.

The kit contains:
— Marketing: Event poster and suggested calendar copy
— Partnering: Suggestions on hosting pet rescue groups
— Preparation: Step-by-step suggestions
— Decorations: Pennants
— Activity: Tattoo Template
— Activity: Make Invisible Pets
— Activity: Fold & Make Operation Rescue Dog Truck
— Take Away: Info Sheet on Ways to Help Rescue Dogs 
 and Other Pets

Event Kit
DOWNLOAD Operation Rescue Dog: Event Kit (PDF)

Event Poster
DOWNLOAD Operation Rescue Dog: Poster Template (JPG)


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Operation Rescue Dog
By Maria Gianferrari
Illustrated by Luisa Uribe
Published by little bee books
ISBN-13: 9781499806670

This sweet story about a girl named Alma and a stray dog named Lulu shows how a girl and a dog can rescue each other.

Lulu’s ears flap in the wind
as the rescue truck rolls into the lot.
Lulu’s tail thumps—
Everything smells . . . new.

Lulu sleeps under the moon, drinks from mud puddles, and is covered in ticks until she is rescued. She waits for the Operation Rescue Dog truck, scared and uncertain. Alma misses her Mami, who is far away in Iraq. Alma wears Mami’s scarf around her like a hug. She wonders: Can a dog feel like a hug? In this heartwarming and moving picture book, a lonely child and a lonely dog come together and find warmth, companionship, and love in each other.

“Alma and her abuela get a rescue dog as a surprise for her mother’s return from Iraq…As humans and dog travel toward their meeting destination, not all is smooth sailing…But all’s well that ends well, and dog and child are united: “Alma smells like…home. So does Lulu.”…A very accessible story that will strike a chord with pet lovers and military families.” 
—Kirkus Reviews