Best Users: Librarians, Educators, Early Childhood Educators, Home Learners
Best Audience: Children Grades 00-01

Looking for this book during lockdown? It is available as an e-book in select libraries, a Kindle edition, and is shipping from many independents.




In this picture book, an imaginative toddler plays with his sleeping dog only to fall asleep when the dog is ready to play. This simple activity will give you the materials, preparation tips, and suggested dialogue to:

— Color, cut, fold and create the BEST dogs with children.
— Attach a stiff leash on each dog so children can walk their dog home!
— Offer coloring sheets or use the sheets as story starters.

“This morning, I used the book and the Story Hour Kit in my storytime, and the kids loved it! They responded really well to the book. They loved the pictures of the dog and the kid together. The dinosaur picture got the biggest laugh! The kids’ favorite part of the hour was being able to make their own dogs to walk home. They were very cute, and it was fun for them to be able to interact with their caregivers to make the craft.”
—Amy Adams, Children’s Services, West Ashley Library, SC

DOWNLOAD My Dog is the Best: Story Hour Kit (PDF)
DOWNLOAD My Dog is the Best: Event Poster (JPG)



My Dog Is the Best
By Laurie Ann Thompson
Illustrated by Paul Schmid
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux / MacKids
ISBN-13: 9780374300517
Age Range: 3 – 6 Years

What do you get when you combine one energetic, enthusiastic little boy with his sleepy but tolerant dog? Unconditional love. Using simple words and spare illustrations, My Dog Is the Best celebrates the special bond that exists between a young child and a beloved family pet. It’s the heartwarming story of two best friends. . . told by a boy with a very active imagination..



CCBC Choices 2016
Blue Ribbon from the Bulletin of the CCBC 2016
“A round-headed toddler describes all the qualities that make his roly-poly dog the best, from playing dead and playing tug to blowing bubbles and reading books. The simple illustrations tell a different story, however, as the dog is just trying to sleep…
The simplicity of both the words and the pictures creates a charming, toddler-sized ode to man’s best friend.”
“The simple text and clear youth of the human narrator puts this squarely in the wheelhouse of preschoolers, while the humorous irony could draw emerging readers willing to decode the low-contrast taupe type. Schmid’s illustrations evince their familiar softness—thick, cottony penciled lines create the figures, and gentle touches of pale digital color…add interest to them as they float on creamy backgrounds. Decoding the art provides audiences with additional amusement—when the narrator says the dog “plays ball,” the pup is curled up into a ball; when he “helps the firemen,” a toy firetruck is perched on his sleeping body. Audiences will love being in on the joke, and they’ll leap to tell anti-heroic tales of their own pets.”